Friday, October 26, 2018

Maybe Next Time Around...

At this time of my life I look around and reflect on what I have and haven't done. I make the unfair comparisons to people who have excelled and exceeded my own accomplishments. I over examine where I failed or didn't have the wherewithal to be a better person, have a better job, find some happiness with a woman who might have been the woman in my life.

I could go over this information ad nauseam but the simple facts of my life are thus: I'm tired. I've lead a life more ordinary, and there isn't anything special about my existence. My life has been unfulfilling, empty and full of loneliness.

Each season as the mercury dips, different women pop back into my life to express their longings for me. I see a glimmer of hope, that someone desires my presence. This never lasts long as their expressions never seem to last, and I am right back where I was before.

Maybe this life was to atone for the failings of a previous life. Maybe a son must pay for the sins of the father and mother. Maybe I just don't know what the hell living is supposed to be like and I'm simply made all the wrong choices. And if I get another chance, maybe I'll have learned from my previous life and get things right, or at least do things better than I did this time around. Maybe next time around...

If you stumble upon this blog, hello and thank you!
Feel free to say hello, comment, or just read my thoughts over the years. I swear it's not all doom and gloom.

Please be good to the people you care about and let them know that they matter to you.
Life is too short to leave that question or information up in the air.

I'll be back before the end of the year. Til then,


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