Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Superman Returns... HA!

I just got home from watching "Superman Returns". At best it's an homage to the late great Christopher Reeves. Yes, the special effects were great but that doesn't say much considering that the special effects in most movies these days are "great". Hell, effects these days are so good that there's almost no need to mention them. Anyway, here are my problems with the the movie...

The characters are too young... I'm 36 and Superman looks to be about 22. Superman in the CR versions of the movie looked to be early to mid 30's, Lois was around mid 30's as well.

Who DIDN'T figure out that the kid was Supermans??? If nothing else within the movie gave this away here's the first most obvious thing that did; Superman's eyes are a deep bright saphire blue, Lois - green to hazel, Richard (Lois's man) his eyes brown, and finally the young boys eyes are... deep bright saphire blue. Nuff said.

Not enough Lex Luthor's villany... the overall idea was good but there should have been more.

In the end it didn't make me feel or even want to be a superhero. Spiderman, Batman even the XMEN brought out the superhero that's deep within us. This kicked that inner superhero in the head and made him sleep for a couple of hours.

Maybe they'll do a better job in the next one (it's obviously set up of a sequel or two).


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