Thursday, February 04, 2016


On my way home from work the other day, I was confronted with the fact that racism is alive and well in 2016.

I was on my way home, walked to the mas transit center, as I do every work day. I also go and wait at the same place nearly every day. So as I did what I do every single work day, some old white lady whips out her phone and starts taking photos of me. At first, I thought I was in the way of a photo she was taking, but she was following me. Then she did it again and made a phone call, asking the person on the other end if they "got that". WTF!!! I had never met this old woman, I have never had contact with her. So why is she taking pics of me? Why is she acting like I want something from her or that I'm going to do something to her? FUCK YOU! There's nothing you have that I want! There's nothing you have that I don't already have or can't get for myself! The only thing good about your existence is that it's almost over. Your generation will be dead soon and after that, maybe the equilibrium that is needed in this country will start to happen.

To all you racist fuck-tards, go fuck yourselves! Like it or not, your hatred will not change my color. Your hatred will not force me to leave MY country, the land of my birth! Your hatred will die with you! Make all of the threats you want, I'll match you bullet for bullet! My guns are legal, so is the ammo I'll be using! .38spl, .22lr, .223. Make no mistake, and do not underestimate, any of these will drop a body dead when entering the brain. And perfect practice makes perfect!

My advice to those afraid of me for no reason, learn to make a friend, instead of an enemy. I'd rather shoot with you... than at you.

To those that find this blog, PEace. Try to not let the hatred of this world corrupt your soul.


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