Friday, March 07, 2025

Time has flown, again...

I know this blog doesn't get any views. Hell, at best it got a viewer every now and then. But I thank you to those who found this blog.

This entry is just a note as to the time. My time. My life. I have gone around the sun 55 times.
I will be 55 years old this weekend. I realistically had no idea that I would have made it this far. And that I would have had the ups and downs and still make it out the other end...

I've never married. I don't have a woman in my life. I still live in the same shoebox of an apartment as when I started this blog. Some might think I'm still the same patheti-sad man as I was then.

And on some days you'd be right...

But I've restarted my career twice. I've learned to treat women how I want to be treated. I've learned to be a better man. I lived during the primary Covid years and survived. Born in 1970, I've seen my city - my state - our world change, for worse - and for the better. Technology has grown by leaps and bounds in 55 years! I have grown closer to my brother. And because of that I am an uncle, followed by being a grand-uncle. I am a best friend and have an extended family that holds me as one of their own. I still have a solid handful of people in my life that I can call Friend.

And even though my current job is hanging by a thread, it's a good job. And in some way I know it matters - even if those it matters to don't know it. I've always been proud of my work and this job is more of the same - I serve those who have served.

Time catches up to all of us. If I could go back and talk to the preteen version of myself, I'd tell him - encourage him - to take more chances. That fear is a part of life, but to take that step, risk "getting in trouble", use that big heart on your sleeve to let everyone know who you are! And to let them know to not mistake your empathy as a weakness. So much I'd like to teach my younger self.

So much I'd like to share with others...
But there never is enough time. Is there?

To those who find and read this blog, I say thank you for your time. Reach out and say hello. It would be nice to hear from someone out there.

Please take care of and believe in yourself.
Love and support the people you care about that are in your life.
Until next time, P.E.ace

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

How the time flies... when you have a steady job

It's been awhile since my last post. Life has returned to a bit of a work routine again but I'm working. Some might even say gainfully employed. And that's the highlight of my life these days. I'm still keeping my eyes open for Ms Right. She's out there, I just haven't run into her yet. 

I'll be back when I have more to say. 

Til then, take care of those that matter to you. 

Find something that puts a smile on your face and use that to help you get through the harder times in your life. 

Most importantly, take care of yourself! It's hard for others to see your value, if you don't see it within. 

P.E. a c e

Saturday, January 29, 2022

New Year... same me (mostly)

 Where does one begin... with a recap.

Terminated from a company in 2018. Unemployed 2019. Covid unemployed most of 2020. Contract worker through 2021. 

Welcome to 2022: Fully Employed. It's a good job, maybe even my last job. With any luck I'll be able to sock away some money for retirement or just to have regular vacations. Who knows... all your plans can turn to crap when reality comes calling. 

But here I am, starting semi-fresh in a new year. Gotta make the most of this opportunity. Maybe, just maybe this is where I get / create the life I thought I was supposed to have. Find a good woman to care for, and that would care for me, and just live a good life with love and happiness (a song by Al Green but not a good example of actual love and happiness, but still a good song). Anyway... the job comes with something previous jobs didn't have, long term stability. 

Hell... but this is life. As I've said before, find whatever or whoever that gives you some joy. Hold on to it for as long as you can. Work the routine, enjoy the good times. Live the best life you can. And as another song goes "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with".

That's all the rambling I have for the start of the new year. 

If you've stumbled on this blog, welcome! Be good to yourself, take care of those that matter to you.


Sunday, December 12, 2021

That time of the year again...

 Once again, the holidays are upon us. The time of the year when people act like the people they think they are during the rest of the year. Cynical as that might sound it's actually a good thing. Why? Because people are actually good to one another for a month or two out of the year. They're actually trying to be their best selves. That is commendable and should be recognized. 

This season I and my adoptive family did something I've wanted to do for a very long time. We donated $700 in toys to a local charity that I remember from when I was a child. There were several years when the only Christmas presents my brother an I would get were from this charity, and it was about time for me to give back. It was truly one of the few times that I can say (or remember) that I was actually happy in my life. I look forward to doing it again next year. 

This is also a time of the year when the loneliness takes hold, the remembrances of people you loved and cared for come back, the regrets, the lost time, missing them since they passed away. Looking back at the missteps of your life and wonder why you didn't or why you did or took certain actions, and how that landed you where you are in life. The holidays will do that to you...

But as you get older, hopefully you get wiser and pass that wisdom along to others. With that I say this to those who find this blog: Do not wait to say what needs to be said, or let you feelings be known. Try to not be afraid of sharing your heart with someone, they might share theirs with you, and that could be the start of something very special. Don't be afraid to take risks! Know that you will not always succeed but you will always learn from the experience. When you get the opportunity to love someone, love with everything you are! With every fiber of your being! You might get your heart broken, or you may just find the one that will love you back and never leave you alone ever again! You've got to take that chance, because as far as I know you only live once (or twice, maybe a third time so you can finally get it right). 

That's all this old fat man can say tonight, but I'll post again before the year is over. 

To those that find this blog... Read what I just wrote, and be good to those you care about, don't take for granted that they will always be around. Because life can separate you for no good reason.


Wednesday, February 03, 2021

A New Year and Nerd Moment...

 First let me say Happy New Year to those who stumble upon the blog. 2019/2020 were pretty fucked up years for me, but I'm here! Finally have a job and claw my way back to life. The world may still be in a covid-19 firepit, but there is hope in the vaccines. And once the possibilities of infection have dropped significantly, maybe we'll get back to the things in life that are gone or just close for a little longer. 

 Onward with the nerdism!

Apple has never had much luck in the world of electronic gaming. Wanna know more look up the "Pippen" by Apple. That will tell you a bunch. But times have changed, Apple has changed, and Apple's game changer is their M1 SOC (system on a chip). When it was rumored that Apple would produce their own CPU to go in their hardware, people said how and why (not realizing that they bought chip design company a long time ago, and forgetting that the A1+ chips are what goes into the ipads and iphones). All the reviews of the M1 products are raves! Intel is will regret not paying attention to Apples requests for better energy efficient chips for Apple devices. 

I say that to say this... The M1 AppleTV or M2 Mac Mini (with AppleTV software) are going to prove that Apple hardware can do gaming. The AppleTV can already do games, much like an iphone or ipad. Connect a bluetooth controller and you can play some games. Not console class games but a lot of games and cheaply. Once the M-Class chips go into the AppleTV, you'll start to see console class games being ported or produced for Apple in a big way, because Apple hardware will do what the consoles and PC gaming machines can do, high res graphics with no lag. This will be Apple's big step into gaming (and no one see's it coming).

To those who find this blog, thank you for reading. Take care of yourself and those that matter to you.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Giving of Thanks...

 2020 has been the longest decade I can remember. A true dumpster-fire.

And on this Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful that those I care about are still here. We are separated because of Covid-19, but we will be here to celebrate future holidays (even if we're not together). 

To those who find this blog, thank you for your time. Be safe and take care of those you love and that love you in return. Our time is not promised, so live and love the best you can.



Monday, June 15, 2020

June 2020... we're still here for the most part

It's the middle of June 2020, we have lost so much.

Lives, holidays, our sense of time, our sense of being. Everyday the news has nothing good to report, only the ongoing tragedy of Covid-19 related issues and the wellspring of protests related to the centuries of black lives extinguished at the hands of those with power.  It's enough to make one wonder if it's worth the struggle to keep going on.

One of my nieces has a birthday today. On a day like this, there would be at least a small gathering of family, or I meet her for a drink in celebration, but not this year as the city hasn't reopened yet. Even the planned reopening could be delayed because of the recent increase of covid-19 infections.

It makes me wonder what the next version of normal will be. How we will find a way to gather and celebrate. It's the gathering, to celebrate, to mourn, to watch sports, to play cards, these physical connections are a thing helps us relate and connect to one another. The past 3 months has taken that away from us, and we must be careful in the way of getting back to that.

For me, like others, the first half of 2020 has been a blur. Going from "normal" to cautious panic to isolation. The mind wanders, despair kicks in from time to time and you do stupid things. You spend way too much time in your head because you can't see the way though. Even with that, you can't give up. Keep trying to push through and live.

I'm doing my best to maintain; I write here from time to time, tinker with 3D printing and watch a lot of streaming media. Who knows, I might even land a job (if some company gives me a chance and better than minimum wage pay). I just know I can't give up. I don't know the people in my life that need me to be there but even if it was just one, it would be enough for me to keep going on to live.

Even though this may be a lost year, we have to keep going so that it will be remembered in some way once we get to the new normal.

If you find this blog, thank you for taking the time to read it.
Love who you're with, and most importantly don't give up.
