Friday, March 07, 2025

Time has flown, again...

I know this blog doesn't get any views. Hell, at best it got a viewer every now and then. But I thank you to those who found this blog.

This entry is just a note as to the time. My time. My life. I have gone around the sun 55 times.
I will be 55 years old this weekend. I realistically had no idea that I would have made it this far. And that I would have had the ups and downs and still make it out the other end...

I've never married. I don't have a woman in my life. I still live in the same shoebox of an apartment as when I started this blog. Some might think I'm still the same patheti-sad man as I was then.

And on some days you'd be right...

But I've restarted my career twice. I've learned to treat women how I want to be treated. I've learned to be a better man. I lived during the primary Covid years and survived. Born in 1970, I've seen my city - my state - our world change, for worse - and for the better. Technology has grown by leaps and bounds in 55 years! I have grown closer to my brother. And because of that I am an uncle, followed by being a grand-uncle. I am a best friend and have an extended family that holds me as one of their own. I still have a solid handful of people in my life that I can call Friend.

And even though my current job is hanging by a thread, it's a good job. And in some way I know it matters - even if those it matters to don't know it. I've always been proud of my work and this job is more of the same - I serve those who have served.

Time catches up to all of us. If I could go back and talk to the preteen version of myself, I'd tell him - encourage him - to take more chances. That fear is a part of life, but to take that step, risk "getting in trouble", use that big heart on your sleeve to let everyone know who you are! And to let them know to not mistake your empathy as a weakness. So much I'd like to teach my younger self.

So much I'd like to share with others...
But there never is enough time. Is there?

To those who find and read this blog, I say thank you for your time. Reach out and say hello. It would be nice to hear from someone out there.

Please take care of and believe in yourself.
Love and support the people you care about that are in your life.
Until next time, P.E.ace


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