Monday, March 30, 2020

The world changed in 20 days...

Twenty days ago I turned 50 years old, and in the 20 days that followed Covid-19 has swept the United States, I lost my job, and major cities are on some kind of "stay at home" lock down.

Some people I know still believe that this is all "the media" doing for hyping the situation or not hyping it enough. That countries outside the US are slaughtering it's citizens to keep the virus in check, or that this has all be a conspiracy against the US that went horribly wrong. To which I say... even the people that you know who are smart will fall for some bullshit.

We are living in strange times. These are the days when conspiracy theories may not be very far off from the truth... but FACTS and TRUTH must prevail! We must not panic. We must not succumb to our lesser natures. When our lives return to something akin to normal, we must be able to look our neighbors, our friends, our families in the eye and know that we did what we could to maintain. We didn't take everything for ourselves. We lended a hand when possible. And that we didn't sacrifice those who couldn't defend themselves, in order to survive.

When this is all over the world will be different. You will be different. I will be different. Our roles in life, at work, with friends, with family will be different. We will need to make better choices and decisions that make a difference in both the short and long term. But who am I to say that's what's going to happen. Many people will go back to their normal way of thinking as though the previous 3-6 months hadn't happened or that it was good that it did because only the old and poor were the ones affected. The world will be different... or at least it should be.

To those who find this blog, thank you for your time.
And though you may not be physically close to those you love, do your best to let them know that they are not alone during this time. If we all keep our wits about us we'll make it through.



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