Monday, March 09, 2020

What do I know at the Half-Century Point or WTF does 50 mean these days?

In less than 24hrs I will be 50 years old.

I could make this a post remembering what has brought me here, the good the bad the ugly of the past 50 years (at least what I can remember).

I could lament the things I haven't done, the lost loves, the people who deserved better from me.

I could focus on the wrongs in my life, done to me, done by me.

But what I will say is that, I'm surprised I've survived this long. I've recently had a self realization that I haven't planned this life. I've barely thought past a few months in advance since I've reached my mid-20's. I've tried to do the right thing, but not always. I've tried to recognize where I could be a better person, where I could be a better man, but relapses happen.

And yet somehow I've reached the age of 50.

I hope I'm a better person than I was 25 years ago.

I hope I can make it to another 25 years and can tell my story. I've even thought of a title:
A life more ordinary (aka I was born a rich white child).

I'm grateful to have made it this far. There are even people that are glad that I'm in their lives.

So, that's all I have to say on the eve of my 50th birthday.
To those who find this blog, thank you for taking the time to read it.

Be good to the ones you love, let them know you love them.

p.s. Happy Birthday to me (you blind luck bastard!)


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