Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Who knows...

Movies, Sci-Fi, Electronics
My brother and I have always seems to have an afinity for these things. What was our influence, what pushed us in to wanting to absorb this information, learn more about technology, fantasize about great things yet to come? Was it from our Uncle Michael who tried to teach us by his example, was it from being repressed by our Great-Grand Mother Emma Boyd (aka BigMomma), was it the imposition of her all to strick upbringing and it's imposition upon us that caused our minds to to stretch further than our physical bounds? Was it the separation from our parents that caused us to latch onto something - anything to keep our psyches together? Who knows, but it's this need - this obsession - for things technological that has brought us closer together in recent years.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Summertime Blues/Workday Headaches...

Let's see...
Over the past couple of weeks I've been contacted by past women in my life. All claiming it's good to talk to me and that they've missed my company. WHAT?!?!? I, the man who supposedly doesn't commit, who doesn't listen or appear to care about someone else's feelings, the man who thinks that the world should bend to my schedule... HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is toooo fuckin' funny! I know that I'm not the best man for a serious relationship but I'd like to think that I'm basically loyal and mostly monogomus in that I tend to only have sex with one woman at a time during the time I'm "dating" them. But that is never taken into consideration. It is preceived that I'm only after one thing and then, what ever... Well, tooooooo bad! I try to treat the women in my life with respect and not attempt to manhandle them (not my style). But it's obvious that I (and the way I treat them) is not what they want hence them finding other other men to fulfilll their needs - until they get dumped or cheated on or robbed or some other scandalous maltreatment. Anyway, we'll see how any of this goes, maybe I'll get some secondary nookie from these recent reconnections.

FUCK!!! I know that it may have seemed as though we were ganging up on Mariah but FUCK! She was way out of line in her knee-jerk comments. She can offer a suggestion as opposed to a fuckedup backhanded comment. If she has problems with design - suggest something, draw a diagram, show an ad that you want it to look like but don't expect the designer to be able to read minds! And don't just bark out some stupid ass comment:"it looks like shit" or "you can always have severina back". We all have bad days, but you can just make blanket rude comments and not expect people to react. Nor can you expect to act as though you know everything when you haven't even been there half a year yet. We have got to work together to make this shit work. And if I have to pick up the slack for any part of the pullout section of the magazine - THE WHOLE OFFICE WILL MY YELL AGAIN! I've worked too hard to step backwards because someone is feeling like having a powertrip/or is being impatient with their direct coworker.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Hot Sex On A Platter...

I normally don't blog too often about my sexual habits but I figured I'd pat myself on the back for once. I fucked Michelle like a champ! It's been some time since I've fucked til my cock was sore, even longer that I've fucked someone until they were sore and weak in the legs but that's what happened. Hell, my cock is just now not sore and up for another fucking. Michelle says that she's not sore anymore and wasn't complaining when she was. So I've earned my little ego trip and when I get the chance I'LL DO IT AGAIN! FUCKIN' IS GREAT STUFF! I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The 4th of July...

The 4th of July is normaly a day of celebration. A celebration of our countrys independance. And normally I'd go off on a long diatribe about the global situation, war, the freedoms being stripped away from us, etc... etc,.. etc...

But instead I will say, I had a good time spending the day with my brother and his family and circle of friends. It was a very good day.