Tuesday, January 30, 2007

why in the hell did i do that...

This past weekend sucked! I made a trip to Bremerton to meet a woman. The bus was late and she was very late in picking me up from the station. Needless to say this was not the best way to start things off. I arrived dressed to be presentable and possibly go out, she arrived in a pajama top making excusses. This woman though nice was not the one for me in the least little bit. She talked too fucking much, was very indecisive and fat. Not just pleasingly plump or a bit chubby or simply thick, she was obese! She and she alone has made me reconsider the women I will date in the future. Some will probably be "thick" but they better be attactive and sexy. Women who weigh more than myself are off the list, unless they have what it takes to make me happy. Gimme an amazon that can throw me over her shoulder and she can have her way with me other wise they better have some hourglass shape happening or be slightly larger than the 2x4 women. And after this past weekend the 2x4 women are starting to look better and better. I'm not saying that women need to be Playboy models but when your ass is so big that it becomes a beacon in a dark room you're too fucking fat!

Monday, January 01, 2007


Yes, the new year has arrived. It's about time too. To everone, I wish you a very happy 2007. May there be more love, life and prosperity for each and everyone of us.

Fat Bobby