Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just to reiterate... $17 DOLLARS AN HOUR BABY!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!
I may not be rich, but I'll be alright til I get there!

Hell's Yeah!!!

3 days left working at Western. 5 days til I begin making $17 an hour!!! HELLLL'S YEAH!!! Looks like I've finally earned some goodness in my life and that hard work does pay off. With any luck I'll be able to bring my brother in to work with me (that would be sweet).

HELLLL'S YEAH! MAKING WHAT I'M WORTH! I think I can get use to it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

T-Minus 2 Weeks...

Since the original post was lost here's the short and sweet...
I'll be starting a new job at Portland Meadows at $17 and hour and leaving Western Graphics. This is an opportunity that I can't afford to pass up. With hard work and time I'll be able to use my new skills in other cities, maybe Vegas.

That's all for now. I'll update again soon.