Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fuckity, fuck-fuck...I really hate the hot weather. Too much sun, too much heat, always feeling thirsty, always feeling sticky. And today started off with me getting a headache because there was so much sun coming in.

On another note, less than 10 days til the iPhone launches. I may not get it the first day but definitly go and check out the chaos and if I'm lucky actually touch one and give it a spin. It's time for the cellphone upgrade. My Treo 600 has been good but it's time to pass it on to someone else or simply retire it.

Time to get a soda or a beer...

Friday, June 15, 2007

TGIF...Week 2, day 5 and I'm still pumped about going to work!
Talked to the folks last night and they're happy for me. (they're happy that i'm happy).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 2, day 3...I think I'll be able to get a handle on this job soon. Little by little the important things are starting to come my way. A little patience from my co-workers and boss, as well as patience with myself will help me get through the rough spots.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's Tuesday of week 2 on the new job. So far so good. The current expectations of my person are low for now. I think that Dwayne has faith that I will meet his needs on the job and become an asset of the company.

I'll do my best, that's all I can do. Now...
WERE'S MY MUTHAFUCKIN MOVIE CHECK?!?!? Can't wait to get that first paycheck (cha-ching!)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm nervous about tomorrow. I know that i can pick up a lot of stuff within a short amount of time but I'm walking into the unknown tomorrow and expectations are high for the position. I don't know how short my breakin' in time will be. I can only do my best and hope that's good enough. I'll get better I just hope I can do what they need me to do in the time they need me to do it. Maybe I'm worrying too much... like I said, I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow.