Sunday, November 18, 2007

Who would have thought...Every day I go by a Burger King. The workers inside are of various ethnic backgrounds, that's not surprising. What IS surprising is that on the weekends there are not one BUT TWO short, fat asian women that work there. It's incredible to see this, asian people are normally thin and from my experience of average to just below average height. But these to gals are fat, they obviously American born, not transplanted from the "Far East", not here on a student visa, but natural born Americans with an American diet since they were babies.

It's amazing how things have changed over the past 25 years. When I was a child all asians were average height and very thin. Now, they look like everyone else... some thin, some fat, some ugly, some attractive. It puts a new spin on melting pot when everyone looks like a fat lump.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

There's always more to learn...Try as I might to get a firm grasp of my job duties at Portland Meadows, I find that I miss the mark more than I'd like to admit.

I can only continue to do my best and learn what needs to be done.