Friday, December 21, 2007

Tis the season...Another Xmas/NYE holiday season is upon us. I'm working at a place where I get paid holidays off and they attempt to have the holiday spirit.

I've had to learn a lot in a very short period of time and I think I'm doing alright but I can always get better. As long as they have some patience with me I'll get the job done.

I have a "relationship" with a good looking woman. No stress so far, we get along very well, we have good conversation, good sex, a good time out when we get to go out. Don't know where it's going but I'm in no rush.

It's been a decent year. I can only do my best to make next year even better. Maybe a home of my own... (or even "the boat"). Time will tell.

Happy Holidays & Peace to all who might happen stumble upon this page.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Two Weeks Straight...It seems that my threshold is two-weeks before I start to get "twitchy" and ready to snap at work.

I was ready to bite Wills head off... Too much stuff piled on my shoulders... not enough free time... proper rest... where the hell's my money!