The TV show has the song "Life on Mars" by David Bowie from which the show got its name. This song is similar to the movie "A Clockwork Orange" in that both depict a state of mind in the future. This profetic song tells the tale of a girl who uses movies to escape a bad homelife. It further describes how she grows up, has basically become another cog in the machine of society and the movies that once took her away are now cliche reruns much like her life. Yet she still goes to the movies in hopes that the story gets better and that good change comes around. Even the first person perspective from "the writer" realizes that he's written the same thing over and over and over again but will write it once again.
For some reason this song touches a nerve with people, myself included. I've felt detatched from most of the people in my life, and at some point things feel as though they've been scripted for the situation. Not in a good "wow that's amazing" way but more like the "generic predictable, i know what they're going to say next" kind of way. When I listen to this song I can practically feel the pain of the sheer predictablity and banality of what life offers. At some time in our lives we all want to be something special, to be the superstar, to be rich, to be the one everybody loves and worships but the reality is to quote a movie or tv show I've seen: "most people live lives of quiet desparation" and most of us never have the opportunity to break from the path that is in front of us.