What does this mean? I'm getting old. I'm lossing my hair which is also greying, I have a "middle-age spread" as my Uncle calls it (i'm wide in the middle). But the lack of curl in my hair is depressing. It was always curly... when dry it was soft and springy, when wet I had beautiful curls. My hair was beautiful once I figured out how to handle it and maintain it.
And now that I can maintain it and cut it and keep up my overall appearance to a reasonable degree, I LOSE IT! Smile, gone. Hair, gone. Shape, gone. Overall virility, down some. Now that I know what to do, the damage kicks in and there's not much I can do. THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT!
If I had the means I'd be callin' the HairClub for Men and fix this situation. But I think I'll try to start using the Orbitrek again and simply get in better shape. Depressing as this realization is, it could be worse, I could be unemployed, ugly, unwanted, disowned. But I have a good job, people in my life who care about me, and well that's good enough for right now.