Sunday, February 22, 2009

No Sex in 23 Days... and countingWell, this sux balls. I haven't seen the woman in my life since January 30 2009. And it would seem that I won't see her for another two weeks. This is quite fucked up. I makes me wonder, why women wonder why men "cheat" on them. It's not a matter of establishing a mental bond with another woman. It's allll physical! Men need to fuck! We don't need love to do it. Don't give us our medicine and we go fucking bat-shit crazy trying to get our fix. It really is that simple.

Sure we can jack-it. That clears the pipes but it's not sex. Masturbation is a means to an end, that end is usually sleep. Pent up energy that would normaly go towards the act of sex needs to be released. A quick jerk and squirt takes care of the temporary need, not a long term solution. A man can get by on sex once a week, but a month, 2 months, 3 months... you will start to see a change in his overall attitude and demeanor.

Women, if you happen to read this just fuck your man. Yes there's the chance you won't enjoy it and won't have an orgasm. But it's better than the alternative.

Remember, all men are dogs and we're only as loyal as last meal/bone. Not the promise of future bones. If we know our bones are at home that's where we go. Stop giving us our bones we'll find a new place to get our bones.

Hate to over use the dog/bone comparison but it true...


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another "Hallmark Holiday" comes to pass...Fuck Valentine's Day!

Men spend money on their women all year long. Xmas, birthdays, mothers day and what not. And then we get hit with this fucking day. A day in which we "get" to spend lots of money in hopes of what? Hope we'll get laid? Hope we get a BJ? Hope we get a little quality time with the woman in our life? And what do they have to do... nothing. They don't have to buy us men anything and that some serious bullshit.

Even the woman in my life has done nothing for me on this day. I get a little txt message reply from her and that's it. No physical contact, no quick drive by for a hug and kiss, nothing!