Monday, May 30, 2011

The 3-Day Weekend...

Three days off for a holiday weekend. Though it was relaxing it was also a bit lonely. Ideally I could've and should've gone out, tried to pickup a warm body to get physically intimate with but it's been quite awhile since I've had any charm or have felt like going out alone. Though part of the reality is that I'm more reclusive and more responsible with my money these days. Hopefully, I'll eventually get the student loans paid off and I'll be in a much better situation to mingle and not worry about the money I spend on "fun". 

But until that time arrives, I'll keep my nose to the grind, keep paying the bills and just keep living my life. Should there be a special woman in my life I'll treat her as well as possible but I'll not hold my breath. They've come and gone. Some are still around but are too wrapped up in their world for me to be a priority, or they have children which is worse - I'd never be the priority. Meh... it is what it is. I'm no prize pig. Just a man living a life, live up to his responsiblities and pay his own way. And help those in his life when possible. 

Enough rambling & blah blah blah. It's time for some munchies, a beer and animated action movies.
