Thursday, March 15, 2012

The 66yr Winter has ended...

The local horse racing track has concluded it's last winter racing season. 66 years of good times, bad times, numerous owners and general managers, hundreds upon hundreds of quarterhorses and thoroughbreds and tons of staff. And as I watched the last race, there was no sign from the people present that this was the end of an era. That this might have been the last profitable season or that this was almost the very last racing season at this venue. There was no acknowledgement that should this horseracing venue close that there will be no more horseracing in the state outside of the fairs and with out the proper support that would be short lived.

But... I welcome the change that is upon us; a summer/fall racing season. More people on site, having a good time and spending money, keeping horse racing alive in this state. If it succeeds maybe we'll have another 66 years of horse racing.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

42... and life still goes on.

<b>42</b> (<b>forty-two</b>) is the <a href="" title="Natural number">natural number</a> immediately following <a href="" title="41 (number)">41</a> and directly preceding <a href="" title="43 (number)">43</a>. The number has received considerable attention in popular culture as a result of its central appearance in <i><a href="" title="The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy">The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</a></i> as the "<a href="" title="Phrases from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy">Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything</a>".<br class="khtml-block-placeholder">

For 42 years I've been a son, a brother, a friend, a foe, a lover and have tried to be a good man. For one day it matters to the people that know me. For one year it matters to the Universe... or maybe it doesn't. I haven't done great works or saved lives, reinvented the wheel or solved the unified field theory. I've lived a life more ordinary. I get up and go to work, earn a paycheck. I eat, drink, laugh and love when possible. I try to treat those I care about how I'd like to be treated. And at this point in my life I have no regrets regarding my current or future actions. I simply try to live a good life. Under different circumstances it might have been a great life but those aren't the circumstances I was born unto. And this life I live may not be as good as those with power and wealth but it's better than those who have nothing at all.&nbsp;

So with that I wish the best for all the other 42's today; enjoy being the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything... even if no one asks. Happy Birthday.