Tuesday, August 09, 2016

What's going on...

It's been a minute since I last vented. So much going on in the world, none of it good. My great grand mother would be calling this the "end times" and telling the family to "get right, judgment day is coming". To me it feels like the 80's when Reagan was president. Everywhere is unrest and upheaval. Common sense is no longer common. Racism is rampant, the police acting as judge-jury-executioner. No one in a position of power is being held accountable. What are we, the people of the United States supposed to do?

If you listen to the the political talk, one side says blah blah blah, the other side says blah blah blah, then the 3rd and 4th parties say don't listen to them, they're the same and not gonna change anything. That may be the case but where were these guys during the primaries? Why wasn't their voice heard during the months and months of political build up to the national conventions? Their excuses will vary from "there's no funding or support for mass media exposure" to "the system is rigged against 3rd party political groups". To this I say bullshit! If you want people to know about the alternatives you've got to be in their face all of the time, not just during the election cycles. Sponsor a highway, hold a pot luck to feed the homeless, run in groups at various marathons to fight whatever. You've got to show that you are part of the people. You've got to raise your voice at every opportunity to make the community aware of your platform and existence. If you can't make the people aware during non-election times, then you're just wasting time, you're sound and fury signifying nothing, and it's going to take more than bashing the history of the prevailing political candidates in order to make people see your point of view, or change their mind.

I've never studied political science, I only know from my own experiences. These aren't the end times but we're in for a rough ride. But maybe that's what the people need to snap them out of this... thing... this mentality... this blanket ignorance... this passive aggressive doldrums. So many people have looked upwards for the "pie in the sky", forgetting that they and the people around them were hip deep in the muck and shit of a paycheck-to-paycheck reality. Forgetting that they haven't gotten a pay raise in past 8-12 years but they're doing 2-4 times the work. Forgetting that they lost their homes because the system was rigged against them, and their former home was sold again for a profit to some other family that probably can't afford to keep it either.

I don't have an answer. I never really do. But I know that if there's going to be change, we have to open our eyes to the alternatives, but the alternatives have to be visible. Not just sometimes but all the time. The alternatives can't wait for the election seasons to bad mouth the status quo. They need to be the loud obnoxious voice of change day in-day out. They need to be the op-ed piece on the nightly local news and newspapers.

To those who find this page, open yourself to change, try to do what's right. Not just for yourself and family but for your community, your state, your country. Easier said than done I know.
