We Are Lost...
Every day I read the news, listen to podcasts, try to keep up with the what's going on in the world. And every day it only gets worse.
I was in middle school during the Regan Era. Everyday felt like it would be the end of the world was nigh, as the rhetoric surrounding the nuclear arms race was constant. Time passed and an new president came to power, re-enforcing the will of the previous president and putting American soldiers in harms way for oil. Followed by another, who's legacy on the USA should've been the push for small business and the beginning of the internet as we know it. Instead, his legacy will be that he got a blowjob from a secretary, and that his vice president was too weak to push for the presidency that he rightfully won. This was followed by a draft dodger / c-grade student that had he only been in office for 4-years, his mark on America would have only been a footnote in history. Instead he allowed an airborne attack on American soil, and lied in order to put us in a war that is still ongoing.
Then we got Obama. Drone attacks, healthcare, 8-yrs of cleaning up after the previous presidents, re-establishing global good will and American credibility.
And now we have a retarded ignorant self-centered jackass in the white house that is trying to roll back our country to the civil war and steal anything the isn't nailed down with the ongoing help of Russia!
America, these United States are lost. We did this to ourselves. Why? Because you didn't like the intelligent black guy, so you counter that with the retarded old white guy who lied every step of the way to the presidency.
We've got to find our way back. America was once a beacon of light in the world. Now light is being shown on us and the roaches scatter. We were the creators of the automobile, radio, television, open heart surgery, electricity and so on, and so on, and so on.
We've got to re-establish what was once good about America.
I was in middle school during the Regan Era. Everyday felt like it would be the end of the world was nigh, as the rhetoric surrounding the nuclear arms race was constant. Time passed and an new president came to power, re-enforcing the will of the previous president and putting American soldiers in harms way for oil. Followed by another, who's legacy on the USA should've been the push for small business and the beginning of the internet as we know it. Instead, his legacy will be that he got a blowjob from a secretary, and that his vice president was too weak to push for the presidency that he rightfully won. This was followed by a draft dodger / c-grade student that had he only been in office for 4-years, his mark on America would have only been a footnote in history. Instead he allowed an airborne attack on American soil, and lied in order to put us in a war that is still ongoing.
Then we got Obama. Drone attacks, healthcare, 8-yrs of cleaning up after the previous presidents, re-establishing global good will and American credibility.
And now we have a retarded ignorant self-centered jackass in the white house that is trying to roll back our country to the civil war and steal anything the isn't nailed down with the ongoing help of Russia!
America, these United States are lost. We did this to ourselves. Why? Because you didn't like the intelligent black guy, so you counter that with the retarded old white guy who lied every step of the way to the presidency.
We've got to find our way back. America was once a beacon of light in the world. Now light is being shown on us and the roaches scatter. We were the creators of the automobile, radio, television, open heart surgery, electricity and so on, and so on, and so on.
We've got to re-establish what was once good about America.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teamming shore. Send these, the
homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - Emma Lazarus
We've got to be better!