Sunday, March 24, 2019

Nerd Alert: Self Healing Gel and blah blah blah

For the past couple of years I've been learning 3D printing and it's pretty great. In learning this new stuff it has me thinking of how it could be used for medicine. More exactly in how it could be used in the replacement of organs and bodily tissues.

Also, over the years I've tried to follow the world of holography.  The potential for that tech has been woefully underutilized.

So when I found this article:
it got the ole grey matter working. How could this self healing gel become a bio-gel. And if that's possible, how can holography be use to superimpose the minute features of a heart or liver into the bio-gel, such as the veins, valves, capillaries, etc...?

One of the issues with cloning or stemcell reproduction of organs is the containment, ie the skeletal/skin of an organ. The primary mass/protein of an organ can be cloned but it seems that the containing shell/cartillage doesn't follow the growth pattern of the desired organ.

But what if the bio-gel is used as a blank slate for a hologram of the selected organ. With the process of producing the hologram leaving a hollow structure for the necessary stemcells to grow on, creating the various layers that make up an organ.

This is a concept that makes me wish I could and would have focused more on science in high school. I often get ideas like this but just don't have the knowledge to move forward on them.

Anyway, it's an idea.

To anyone that finds this blog, thanks for taking the time to read it.
Be good to the ones you care about.

P.E. ace.
-Fat Bobby

Sunday, March 10, 2019


March 10 1970 a little black boy was born in Portland Oregon. Today, that child has grown, survived, tried, failed, learned and forgotten, and is going to celebrate 49 years of having not become the statistic that was expected of him.

Some people may have expected me to fail, to become a statistic of society, to become just another black member of the prison system. To those that expected that of me I say this...


I'm not the smartest man, but I completed some secondary education to become a graphic designer.
I'm not a rich man. I don't even drive a car, but I paid off my student loans before I was 45. 
I may not have a wife and children, but I have loved and have been loved. I have people around me that are never ashamed of the path I have chosen for my life. 
I don't have a great life, BUT IT'S MINE! Every bump, bruise, heartache, headache, light bill, phone bill, rent payment. Every steak, bottle of whisky, 3d printer, iTunes subscription, pair of Doc Martens I put on my feet. IT'S MINE - I EARNED AND WORKED FOR ALL OF IT! For better or worse, I own it! And no one can stake a claim to my life. 

If you find this blog, I hope it gives some encouragement and that you can learn a little something from my ramblings. 49 years is nothing to scoff at and I hope to be able to write on this blog in another 49 years.

-Robert (aka Fat Bobby)