Monday, June 15, 2020

June 2020... we're still here for the most part

It's the middle of June 2020, we have lost so much.

Lives, holidays, our sense of time, our sense of being. Everyday the news has nothing good to report, only the ongoing tragedy of Covid-19 related issues and the wellspring of protests related to the centuries of black lives extinguished at the hands of those with power.  It's enough to make one wonder if it's worth the struggle to keep going on.

One of my nieces has a birthday today. On a day like this, there would be at least a small gathering of family, or I meet her for a drink in celebration, but not this year as the city hasn't reopened yet. Even the planned reopening could be delayed because of the recent increase of covid-19 infections.

It makes me wonder what the next version of normal will be. How we will find a way to gather and celebrate. It's the gathering, to celebrate, to mourn, to watch sports, to play cards, these physical connections are a thing helps us relate and connect to one another. The past 3 months has taken that away from us, and we must be careful in the way of getting back to that.

For me, like others, the first half of 2020 has been a blur. Going from "normal" to cautious panic to isolation. The mind wanders, despair kicks in from time to time and you do stupid things. You spend way too much time in your head because you can't see the way though. Even with that, you can't give up. Keep trying to push through and live.

I'm doing my best to maintain; I write here from time to time, tinker with 3D printing and watch a lot of streaming media. Who knows, I might even land a job (if some company gives me a chance and better than minimum wage pay). I just know I can't give up. I don't know the people in my life that need me to be there but even if it was just one, it would be enough for me to keep going on to live.

Even though this may be a lost year, we have to keep going so that it will be remembered in some way once we get to the new normal.

If you find this blog, thank you for taking the time to read it.
Love who you're with, and most importantly don't give up.
