Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A very disturbing dream...

There wasn't anything weighing heavily on my mind yesterday or within the past week. Things are mellow right now and going steadily along. So I worry why I'd have a dream/nightmare of the apocalypse.

I'm standing in a square/music venue watching news feeds of the "New Red Religion" This religion supposedly disproves all previous religions and gives the date of "The End". Followers will adorn a special necklace that save them when the time comes. As I'm watching this information, I find that I'm surrounded by the Durham family. Everyone except Sarah has the necklace, my necklace is hand delivered to me and she asks "What, you believe in this crap too?". I reply, "it's a just in case precaution". At which point "The End" begins. The ground cracks open with flames shooting to the sky, there are rips in time and space and bizzare deamonesque creatures jump through the rips like an invading army, slaughtering everyone in their path. The necklace was a lie, no one was saved, there was no safe place to hide and nowhere to run. I saw everyone around me taken and or killed, and I was surrounded. As I attempted to put on the necklace I realized it would be pointless and I woke up just before the creatures could put their hands on me.

What does this mean? It's  twisted, apocalyptic and has the people I care for in it. It could mean nothing. It could mean that there will be a rift/trouble in the family soon. It is my hope that there is not.

The dream didn't restart when I tried to go back to sleep so maybe it was nothing more than a bad dream.


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