Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Throughout most of the year life just goes. We get up do the daily grind come home and get ready to do it all over again the next day. But there are several days during our year when we are supposed to pause and reflect and be thankful. Memorial Day is such a day. 

Though I've never been in the military I have several family members who have been or are in the Armed Forces. My brother - The Army, my Uncle - Army, my father - Army, my cousin Roy - Airforce, my cousin Yalonda - Army. And it's the last one that has me writing today. Yalonda K. Smith, stationed in Iraq. It's been years since we've talked or even seen each other but I love her and have concern for her well being. It's been some time since people have heard from her though we all hope for the best. And in this case no news is good news as she is not a frontline soldier. Even though she's had the training some things don't change. Hell, this is the same woman who as a young girl was afraid of fish guts. 

That aside, I wonder and worry from time to time. And can only hope that she will be able to return to her family in one piece, alive and well. 

So, it is today that I pause to reflect upon her and the others who are away from their loved ones, serving our country - The United States of America. They didn't start the war, they are but soldiers doing their sworn duty. Let's hope that they all come home soon.

Peace, to one and all. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Failed Date... of sorts

This was an interesting weekend. Friday night I had drinks with my seesters Robin & Jennifer. We of course had to make a Popeye's run. But that wasn't good as I puked that up at around 4am Saturday. Ugh, too much grease and pepper - not a good combination, as I've come to learn over the past few weeks. 

Well, this leads to Saturday in which I agree to watch movies with the friend of the fat broad who wanted and let me give her anal (that was a good time). She shows up with pizza and melted ice cream. I try to be entertaining but meh. I wasn't really into it.  After watching a movie and some interesting conversation, she asks to spend the night. This is odd as she made a point of saying that she's not like her friend and basicly isn't just an easy lay. Which was fine but the request to spend the night did catch me off guard. I didn't have an answer to the question. Considering the conversation she's seems to be the kind of person to get attached far to quickly. Having sex with her would have been a bad idea. And yes, I'd have wanted or tried to have sex with her. I can't sleep next to a woman. I toss an turn all night untill I've had that release.  Since I didnt' answer her she took it as a no and she left. Better to not take the sex than to have a situation that would get me in trouble. And I have a feeling that she would have been trouble in the future. 

UGH! Where do these women come from?!? Several children, a bad history of dating "bad boys", baby daddy drama... and then they find me. I'm sure I hurt her feelings and I feel a little bad about it but the chemistry wasn't there, and that would've been a headache waiting to happen. I don't need some bossy pushy broad telling me that my issues aren't the other persons fault it's all on me. NO SHIT! I know I have to own my issues, but I didn't create my issues/mental hang-ups. But I've learned to deal with them (to a point). 

I had to get that off my mind before I get my week started. 

Take it how you can get it... but accept the consequenses when you do.