Friday, April 29, 2011

It must be springtime again...

How do I know this...
Because every woman I'm "familiar" with is choosing to ignore me. Choosing to stay away and not have physical relations with me. This seems to be the pattern in my life. Once the sunshine starts to glow, they feel that they can kick me to the curb in order to find someone better.

But once the season changes again and they too have been kicked to the curb, mistreated and used I'll become the kind warm man they forgot. They'll want my full attention when I have the time to give it. But I don't have that kind of patience anymore. I'm tired of women that are always in pain, always in need, always too self rightous. I need to get out and find me a new woman or women. Someone who has the same kind of mindset that I do, we need what we need when we need it. We don't want to be alone but don't need to be "up under" someone all the time. Some available who is available when I need them and actually wants me to be with them from time to time.

I don't quite know what I want or need but that's the quick and dirty of it. Maybe I'll find that someone, then I won't have to write these blogs about me being lonely once I get a little drunk...

enough for now.

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday Night... Just got paid...

So why am I at home and alone?

This gets so tiresome at times. All I want, all I need is some female companionship, some sex, good food, good entertainment and maybe some good conversation. This solitary life I'm living is starting to wear me down, make me want to get "involved" again. I know I'm too selfish and have too many conditions but I'm going to have to do something. The lonely hermit situation is depressing and the companionship I can get is getting sparse and at times annoying...

My options... go back to the heavy spending, heavy drinking, stay out late ways of my younger years. Could be fun but would also be expensive and that didn't always guarantee the needed compainionship/company. 

Ugh, what the hell. This always happens after slamming a good strong beer alone. "i'm alone, boohoo for me" "no woman i want wants me" "i'm gonna be alone forever". Whatever. No more blah blah blah. Time for another beer and some tv.

PEACE to anyone who reads this, may you have plenty of good sex with someone who want's you.