Monday, May 14, 2012

WTF WOMEN?!?!? Late again?!?!

I'm not perfect. I know I can be distant, selfish, vague about what's on my mind or how my day went. From time to time I know I can be a bit ignorant of the details, letting the obvious fly right by me. I've been forget full or simply oblivious to regular events like birthdays. 

And believe it or not I can forgive nearly all of those human flaws in others. But what I find very difficult to forgive is someone who is continuously and excessively late. When you're late you waste my timem fuck up plans that may have been put in place, and show an obvious degree of disrespect towards my person. It's an affront to my sensiblilities that you'd think so little of me and my time. 

Ladies, you'd expect us as men to arrive on time, to do what we said we'd do. If and when we don't you give us hell for it! You withhold sex, you chastise us as though we were little boys, you never let go of the instance and will continue to use it as an example until we fuck up again. Were men to do that you'd think we were the assholes - then you'd hold that against us as well. 

If you want respect, you've got to earn it. Treat us (men) the way you'd want to be treated and any man that gives a damn about you treat you the same way, maybe even better than that. But keep treating us like chumps then you'll get treated like a whore. As though you were only good for one thing. Nobody wants that. So keep that in mind next time you want to play games, show up late on purpose or feel the need to torment you man. He may take the abuse but don't be surprised when he moves on without you or start up with a chick on the side.


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