Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How things change...

As I grow older I find that my priorities change and I take a different look at the reason I do things.

In my younger years I busted my ass working. I'd put in long hours, work several jobs, and count the hours til the weekend so that I could spend the money I made. 

I'm older now. I still work the long hours at only one job. And though the money I make is good, it's not my primary reason for working. I work, and work hard, because I good at my job. Damn good at my job! I'll put in the time necessary to do things right and get them done right. I work with people who count the hours and minutes in effort to squeeze every last minute on their paycheck. I get that, I understand it because at one point in my life I did that. But there's more to life than a paycheck and sneaking in overtime. Some of my coworkers look at me funny when I tell them this, they are generally younger than myself and haven't found or discovered their direction in life. Thou some are older than I, and think that what you do and your time should be paid for. I agree with that to a point. But I know that... well... Life is worth more than money. It's the time you get to spend with those that you love and who love you. It's the time when you get to see children grow up, and can share your knowledge with them. It's the moments when you feel loved and not just a cog in the wheel of life. When you feel as if your existance actually means something and that the effect you've had on others is or will be important.

At some point in our life we've touched another life - for better or worse. And for better or worse we make a difference. WE MATTER! Even if we are just dust in the grand scheme of the universe, we matter to someone. If only for the brief moment that is our life.

LIVE your life to the fullest. LOVE with every fiber of your being, hold nothing back. And LAUGH! LAUGH in the face of everything & everyone that tries to hold you back, and at anything that tries to hold you down.

Find love and hold on to it for as long as you can.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Then and Now...

It has been a little while since I've thrown my thoughts on this blog. Life has a way of making your deal with the now, instead of dwelling on the what could have been.

The woman who had my heart, broke it...
That took time to wrap my head around the fact that things were not mutual, though I was told the opposite and I should have read the actions (or lack of action). But my life has continued. The late great Richard Pryor once say, being in love will break your heart… and make you fat. Since I'm already a plump man all that was left was the heart break.

And now it's back to life...
There are others that may want my attentions and affections. To them I will give what I can, make them feel like the only woman in the world while they are physically there with me. Give my all to please them. It seems to be the only thing that I've ever really been naturally good at doing. Everything else has been a learned process (by error or example). 

Live goes on...
The daily grind has not ceased. In fact it has increased and is my reason for focus. Ya can't worry about love when you still gotta keep the lights on. 

Maybe the others aren't so far away...
I ventured forth and was semi-social this weakend. Met a few people. Some were even women. One even seemed to like me a little. All hope is not lost - sometimes it's just hard to find.

I guess the closing thought for this post is just this: Live your life. The ups will tend to be high and when the downs come you'll feel like the lowest person on the planet. So climb out of your hole, breathe some clean air, dust yourself off and do it all over again. It's life. Make of it what you will. Don't have too many regrets and don't be afraid of new or different stuff and people. Don't be afraid to love or to share yourself with another person. You could surprise yourself. Pain is temporary. Life is limited. Live your life!
