Sunday, February 28, 2016

What is owed...

As a man who was abandoned by his mother, I feel a certain way about what is owed to children.
Mothers and fathers tend to act as if the lives they created belong to them, as if the children they created owe them. That is not the case...

My belief is that the mother and father owe their children EVERYTHING!!! A life better than the ones that their parents had, a better existence, love... health... support... everything.

Yes, children can be pieces of shit. They can be the most disruptive force in a parents life. They can break the hearts of their parents. They will lie, steal, and destroy their family. But it's not always their  fault.  A parent must teach their child, and the child should learn from them. A parent must condition their child to the ways of the world, the ways of how others live, the realities of life. Not just the bullshit needed to get through the day to day struggle.

I don't know... children need to know that their lives are more than just to further extension of their parents thoughts and dreams. And parents need to realize that the life they bring into this world is their responsiblility. They owe that child everything! Everything that they can give, everything that is their life, every opportunity to live a better life! Children will try and fail, but the parent needs to give their child every opportunity to succeed! If they don't they have failed as a parent. They have failed to contribute to this world.  They have failed in every way that counts.

I have a brother. In spite of our upbringing he has surpassed what I thought either of us could do. He has raised two beautiful and smart daughters. He has taught them what is necessary to get by in this world. He gave them confidence. He gave them courage. He gave them the will to follow their dreams and stand up for themselves. I envy him his success and his family. He  gave his children what was stripped  from us, better yet, what was never handed to us. He and I should have been leaders of men. Men of stature and importance but this was never the plan for us under the the life we grew up in. Yet somehow he overcame the odds and made a life, had a family. And with that, he gave his children the love and encouragement to reach for the stars, reach for everything that they believe is within their grasp.

It's late. I've had a bit to drink.
To those that find this blog, strive to do better and teach better for your children. Give them your all. Give them the strength to reach for what's theirs, for what they want, without hesitation, without regret.



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