Thursday, January 27, 2011

What a weird dream... angels in my head?

It's been a busy week, mentaly fatiguing and it has taken a physical toll on me. So in an effort to get some solid rest and kick any bugs our of my system I dosed up on the NyQuil. 

Normaly I don't have weird dreams with NyQuil but last night I did. From what I can recall, I was at a mall in an angel store. The store is full of people buy angel products: trading cards, commemorative plates, coffee mugs, etc... While being caught up in the hustle and bustle of the store in find myself in front of a touchscreen kiosk that has the full listing of the heirarchy of angels. Most of the angels have some cartoonish image of the angel > press here for more information < the information is basically name, rank & duties. As I scroll through the various groups I find one group with no image. They are the might and right of the creator, multiple wings, multiple eyes, the embodiment of that which is holy and rightous, and destroyer of evil. To be in their presence is to to be cleansed by the fires of creation. Hence no image.

I'm generally not religious, though I try to do what's right. I am not a praying man, but sometimes I need to vocalize my problems and pain aloud. I say this because this is not the first dream I've had like this and I'm sure it won't be the last. I don't know what these dreams mean, if anything. But I'm going to start recording/blogging them.


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