Monday, September 23, 2013

A letter to Ron Wyden...

This is a letter I wrote to Oregon Senator Ron Wyden regarding the detainment of American Born Muslims at the Canadian borders.

Good Day Mr. Wyden,
I've written to you before on a variety of topics and I realize that your email is probably overflowing with concerns and issues affecting Oregonians. Today I'm writing on a topic that concerns every American.

Since the September 11, 2001 attacks many laws and rules have been enacted "on our behalf", to make us safer as a nation, for our protection. Yet each year since then, we the people, have been abused by those in power. Our civil liberties stripped away one by one and this has to stop. Having been born and raised in Portland Oregon, the Great Northwest, I've always had the impression that we can travel to and fro to our friendly neighbor country further north - Canada, just have your state ID or military ID and you're good to go. Now, it our neighbor is treating Americans as if we are now their southern enemy and with the blessing of the United States Government. This is unacceptable.

I've tried to pay attention to these matters but it was brought to the forefront of my thoughts when I listened to NPR On-The-Media for 09/21/13 (

Please give this a listen when you have the time. A brief summary of this story is how Americans are being detained at the Canadian border without cause and without an explanation as to why. This particular story involves Americans who practice Islam or American Muslims. This grieves me. Most Americans have a predisposed image of who Muslims are or what they think they should look like: black hair, brown skin. I fit this description. I am an American of African decent, black hair, brown skin. I don't hold any religion in high regard, yet some border cop could detain me because I fit a profile. I've grown up with this treatment my entire life. NO ONE should ever be treated like this! It is beneath us as a country to allow this to happen at our borders. 

If there is JUST CAUSE to detain people then detain them and perform the necessary background checks. But the confiscation and unauthorized search of their personal property (digital equipment and personal effects) is above and beyond what is called for, when people are simply visiting Canada and returning to their home. 

Of all the things going wrong in the world this is just another example of how we are alienating each other out of fear.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Do what you can.

Portland, Oregon USA


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