F*** Valentine's Day...
The Hallmark holiday has come and gone. And once again, I spent it alone, stuffing my face full of fast food trying not to dwell upon this most desparate of days.
Women wait with baited breath for the gifts, tokens and trinkets that their men will be bringing them, as well as for the night on the town they believe they deserve.
Men dig deep into their pockets to lavish unnecessary items to proclaim their affection for the women in their lives in hopes of receiving the nights sexual gratification.
This game is pathetic! If men and women were to treat their significant other with respect and sincere affection throughtout the year there'd be no need for this absurd yearly exploitation. Hell, while waiting for my food at McDonalds last night I saw at least 7 men that appeared to have just finished work. Obviously single, these men ordered their "single serving" meals and either ate it there or took it home. These men (including myself) probably would have enjoyed going home to a hot cooked meal and the open arms of a good woman. The single women I happened to see on the way home either had their arms full of roses or they were running in packs. Yes packs! This group of women is as pathetic as the men I just mentioned. Arm in arm they stomp the city streets in search of a club where they might find a little attention but can't actually get intimate with a prospective man due to the group of voices cutting said man down. One thing about women, if they aren't happy they don't want their friends to be happy either (at least not while they are together).
I'm glad the day is over. Maybe next year I'll be happily coupled and the day will only be a minor annoyance.
Then again maybe not...
Women wait with baited breath for the gifts, tokens and trinkets that their men will be bringing them, as well as for the night on the town they believe they deserve.
Men dig deep into their pockets to lavish unnecessary items to proclaim their affection for the women in their lives in hopes of receiving the nights sexual gratification.
This game is pathetic! If men and women were to treat their significant other with respect and sincere affection throughtout the year there'd be no need for this absurd yearly exploitation. Hell, while waiting for my food at McDonalds last night I saw at least 7 men that appeared to have just finished work. Obviously single, these men ordered their "single serving" meals and either ate it there or took it home. These men (including myself) probably would have enjoyed going home to a hot cooked meal and the open arms of a good woman. The single women I happened to see on the way home either had their arms full of roses or they were running in packs. Yes packs! This group of women is as pathetic as the men I just mentioned. Arm in arm they stomp the city streets in search of a club where they might find a little attention but can't actually get intimate with a prospective man due to the group of voices cutting said man down. One thing about women, if they aren't happy they don't want their friends to be happy either (at least not while they are together).
I'm glad the day is over. Maybe next year I'll be happily coupled and the day will only be a minor annoyance.
Then again maybe not...
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