Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why is America Great?

The youngest but most powerful "super power" on the planet. Other countries say that we have no culture or heritage. There may be truth to it. 

They say that Americans are arrogant and ignorant of other countries hardships. Again, there may be truth to it. 

We don't make the best sushi, have the strongest world currenty, we're over weight, over worked, and indulge in excess.  Who am I to argue. But here's the real deal...

1. We created the automobile and it's means of mass production.

2. We invented the telecommunications including, radio, tv, vcr, telephone, shortwave, HAM, CB etc... etc... etc...

And 3. We created the microwave oven! Though that may not sound like such a big deal the truth is that this "metal box" spawn an entire industry of things that get jammed into said box. Be it food or things to hold food. dishes were no longer good just to be used in an oven they now had to be microwave oven safe. This dishes helped the creation of one of the quick fix food-stuffs: microwave nachos! If you have chips and cheese you can have a hot treat that you once would have to go to taco bell for.

This is why America is great, love it or leave it. I for one am gonna stay right here with my oversized body frame, my electric scooter, my iphone, my convection/microwave oven and my fuckin microwave nachos! If you don't like it you can fuck off and swim back to what ever country you or your traditions came from!



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