Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Palm Pre leeches onto iTunes

Back in the late 90's Palm was the undeniable king of PDA's. Though it's connect/sync software sucked, the actual devices were awesome. Palm was also one of the first producers of the so-called "smartphone". Again kick ass devices that paved the way for the current generation of smartphones (iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Symbian). 

Since then Palm has lost it's way and lost it's dominance in the smartphone market. But is trying to make a comeback with the Palm Pre and it's WebOS. A "feature" they are claiming is that the Pre can be synced with the Apple iTunes software. Previous Palm devices have had this ability through third party software. I don't think that Apple viewed this a a threat or problem then as it wasn't Palm producing the "hack". The difference now is that Palm has this hack built-in and is calling it a feature. What happens when people begin to depend on a "feature" that can be broken at Apple's whim? 

It's great that the Pre can use iTunes for music management but a better solution would be for Palm to create their own media management software that can access iTunes information & files and not worry about any veiled threat from Apple. Palm was great once and they could be again but they have to step up their game not just be an also-ran or a use-to-be. Like a said it's a nice hack/feature but it's not the kind of thing that will win necessarily over new or former Palm users like myself. Palm obviously has the talent to produce a great smartphone, they should also be able to produce a great sync client to rival iTunes, not just latch on to it.


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