Where's my America...
It's another dark day in America. The Neo-Cons are slowly and systematicly dismantling our country and the ideals that it was founded upon. How can they even call themselves Americans when they don't even care about other Americans who's incomes don't run in the hight 6-7 figures? When I was a child, the phrases "melting pot", "American Dream", "land of the free, home of the brave" ment something. They symbolized how we as Americans felt about our country and each other. That if you had the will you could become something greater than your beginings. Now, we live in a sound byte, attention deficit society: "red state, blue state", "neo-con", "progressives", our country has not unity. We've digressed to a have and have-not society. The have's get what they want on the back of the have-not's, now more than ever - and they aren't ashamed of saying so. It saddens me to think that a hard working American can't rise above when the there's someone else putting a shoe in his back to keep him down.
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