To the good people...
The other day as I was on my way to work, a lady that travels that same path smiled and waved as she drove past me. It's not the first time and probably not the last time that this will happen. We've never actually met in person but each day she drives past me, she smiles and waves. She might be interested in me or she's just friendly but each morning that she does this is a good thing. Why? Because she doesn't have to do this. She could drive past me and not think twice but she does. It give me a little hope that people are not as bad as the news would have us believe. I know that there are bad people in the world but there are good people as well. Those are the people who pluck their neighbors newspaper out of the rain and put it in front of your doorstep. Those are the people who give a penny instead of take a penny. Those are the people who help others, instead of complaining about the human condition. Those are the people who make a difference without the news cameras in their face or the editorial piece written in they honor. Those are the everyday people who simply do what they think is right or are just being good people. I love those people! I was one of them a long time ago. It's a damn shame that the world can't appreciate those kind of people, we would all be better off if they were around more often.
Peace to anyone who reads this. Try to be a good person once a week. It might do you some good.
Peace to anyone who reads this. Try to be a good person once a week. It might do you some good.
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