Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A dream of Earth, a living Sun and Us...

Weird but interesting dream.
Humanity messes up the earth so badly that the sun "wakes up" and gives us the humans the choice of going out of existence living the way we currently live or for us to get another chance at getting life right. This would require the sun enveloping it's self and shooting earth through a time warping hole in the middle, destroying and recreating the earth at the same time. Only a few people are allowed to know this is going to happen and they unanimously agree.

It happens in a flash. The new earth is free of the problems that currently deal with, nuclear weapons are gone and are replaced nuclear power that is more than just a modified steam engine. The ozone layer is whole. The rainforests are full and lush. People the world over have plenty to eat and have a place to live. The world governments generally work together. Most people never knew that the world got another chance to do things right, except the ones that made the decision. They know and now have to deal with the new reality. Some go mad, some look for a chance to beat the system, others look for ways to "us" keep from making the same mistakes all over again.

In my dream I was one of the decision makers. I voted yes. When we were remade, Apple wasn't quite the world powerhouse it is now. It was in the middle of the iPod age with the rainbow logo and Steve Jobs was still young. The Newton had survived and there were several generations of the large clunky device. Apple was in the process of creating the first iPhone based on the original white pod and I was there to see the prototypes. Not just as a consumer but as an electronics test pilot (of sorts). Hands on, putting parts in sockets and working on design with Steve, The Woz and Ashton Kutcher as the other Steve. Excitement was in the air as the final prototype was completed. It looked like an ipod but different. At that point is said "where's the camera?" The other Steve said "right there" and pointed to an oval hole under the left corner of the iPod screen. I take a look closer and there it was.

I've been awake too long, the dream is fading and things are blurry. Reality is here and it's time to get ready for work.


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