Saturday, June 07, 2014

Time to be a nerd... An Apple Prediction

Though I may not have posted this before, let me say that I am a nerd. A geek. A techie. A mac-addict. A gadget man. I love me some technology! Having said that, let me proceed with my thoughts regarding the recent WWDC.

Apple said a lot regarding Continuity, iOS and the Mac OS. All good stuff to keep their products interconnected with the ability to throw a phone call, message, webpage etc, amongst iDevices and traditional computers. What wasn't brought up or introduced was any new hardware. Some have wondered why, others are still going over the presentation. What has occurred to me is that the rumored "iWatch" / Apple Wearable device isn't simply going to be a smartwatch/wearable. This device is going to be an alternative to the iPhone. It will be the wearable connected device that will provide the internet connectivity, allowing it to do all the fun stuff Apple has stated. For some, no more fumbling with your phone, just fling it from your wrist to your iPad, iPad Mini, MBP or iMac.
Your Apple wearable is now the gateway for all of your other devices. If you're a watch wearer you'll never lose this, there will be no "butt dialing",  no chance of people shuffling through your stuff or any other intrusion that happens with smartphones and tablets just laying around. The gatekeeper is going to be on your wrist.

If this happens the way I've envisioned it, this will be the twist that no other manufacturer has foreseen. And if executed in true Apple style there will be a lot of naysayers and dropped jaws in the near future. This is going to flip the mobile market on its head!

I can't wait to see what happens!


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